Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hulett Unloader - Part 3

I have to apologize for some of the picture quality in the last few postings. In an effort to keep up with the progress of the project I did not take the time to get proper lighting. I began putting together the “trolley” a couple of nights ago. This is the portion of the Hulett that moves back and forth on the gantry. I did not glue one side of the trolley until I built the upper portion. I wanted to add weight to the inside of the trolley. The upper portion is going together very well. When gluing the cross members to the one side, you need to do this quickly because you have to glue on the other side before the glue sets up. When both sides are glued I placed the assembly against a couple of objects (weights) to help hold the correct alignment. While this assembly was drying I began to assemble the bucket and leg assembly's. To this point steps #45 through #48 are very important if you want the leg assembly to be able to rotate. I've been very pleased with the way the pieces have been fitting together, if you've ever built a "Kibri" kit you'll know what I mean. When the two assembly's were dried I placed the weights inside the trolley and glued the wall piece in place to hold everything together. At this point the next steps will be to begin adding extra details to various parts of the Hulett.

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